God Image Inventory Scoring Program
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This website was developed to make the God Image Inventory available to counselors and researchers. The God Image Inventory was designed to provide a counselor with valuable information about a client's view of God on a level below that of conscious theology (commonly called their God concept), precisely because it is the God image which is harder to access and change than one's conscious theology. Researchers can use the GII to explore the relationship between God image and other concepts such as religious behavior, psychopathology, trauma, family relationships, etc.

The God Image Inventory was developed by Father Richard Lawrence as his dissertation for the completion of his Ph.D. in Spirituality. Father Lawrence is a priest of the Roman Catholic Church and serves as a pastor at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Father Lawrence specializes in psychological tools for pastors to use in counseling.

I want to thank the many people who supported and encouraged me through the various stages of this project some of whom include: my dissertation committee -> Randy Sorenson, who came up with the idea for this website, recruited me to do it and patiently encouraged me throughout; Father Richard Lawrence, the author of the GII, who wrote up all the interpretive information in record time and in beautiful form; Rich Sanders who's technical expertise eased the project along; and Gary Strauss for his willingness to jump in and help out at in the 9th inning. Many thanks also to my pastor and good friend Adam Ayers who encouraged me throughout this project and helped me to test the scoring by generating hypothetical profiles, Michael Jilke whose phone call inspired me to overcome procrastination and get this thing done and Jennifer Vilott who's prayers worked wonders. Many thanks to Brian Connolly who did great programming work on this project and taught me PHP and SQL programming, without him this project would not have been possible... or at least been infinitely more difficult.

Copyright © 2001 Jay Gattis. All rights reserved.