God Image Inventory Scoring Program
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  1. The God image is primarily:

    1. Your mental idea of what God is like.

    2. A conglomeration of memories from various sources associated with God.

    3. How you would describe God's character in talking to a friend.

  2. According to Rizzuto God image is closely related to:

    1. Locus of Control

    2. God concept

    3. Self-image

    4. Potty training

  3. Previous endeavors to measure God image mentioned in the article include: (check all that apply)

    1. structured interviews

    2. adjective checklists

    3. projective instruments

    4. label pairs

  4. The liabilities of previous efforts to assess God image include: (check all that apply)

    1. finding answers dominated by the 'Christian Concpet of God'

    2. the different subjective meanings of relationally loaded terms

    3. inter-rater reliability

    4. instruments being time consuming and difficult to score

  5. In hopes of developing an objective instrument which assesses God image, the GII test designer decided to: (check all that apply)

    1. focus on personal expereince and the feelings of the subject

    2. focus on the beliefs and ideas of the subject

    3. focus on relationships between the subject and his/her God image

    4. get the subject to choose adjectives which they believe describe God

  6. Please fill in the names of the three basic components of the self concept which are the basis of the 6 scales of the GII:

  7. What theorist and concept is a major basis of Rizzuto's theory of God image?

    1. Jung's archetypes

    2. Skinner's operant conditioning

    3. Minnuchin's family systems

    4. Winnicott's transitional objects

  8. The Acceptance scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  9. The Influence scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  10. The Presence scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  11. The Faith scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  12. The Challenge scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  13. The Salience scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  14. The Providence scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  15. The Benevolence scale primarily is designed to get at what question?

    1. How important to me is my relationship with God?

    2. Is God the sort of person who would want to love me?

    3. How much can God control me?

    4. Is God there for me?

    5. Am I good enough for God to love?

    6. Does God want me to grow?

    7. Do I believe that my God image corresponds to a geing who actually exists?

    8. How much can I control God?

  16. The questions on the GII are full sentences describing a potential state of relatinship between God image and self image, which can be either endorsed or repudiated by the subject as representative of his/her feelings on a four-point likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

    1. True

    2. False

  17. Given that factor analysis of the GII subject samples revealed that the 8 scales measure highly overlapping concpets and therefore have limited research value, why is the original structure of the GII retained? (check all that apply)

    1. Because of the theoretical distinction between the scales.

    2. Because of the valuable insights gained in case work when the scores diverge.

    3. Because of the valuable insights gained in case work when the scores converge.

    4. Because of it's usefulness as a research instrument.

  18. Which of the following predicted outcomes of the validity study were NOT confirmed by the results? (check all that apply)

    1. That the Presence scale of the GII would correlate with Intrinsic scale of the Allport and Ross Religious Orientation Scale (ROS).

    2. That the Extrinsic scale of the ROS would correlate negatively with all the GII scales.

    3. That the Challenge scale of the GII would correlate with the Bendig Need for Achievement scale.

    4. That the Acceptance scale of the GII would correlate with the Rosenberg Self-esteem scale.

    5. That the Benevolence scale would correlate with the Wrightsman Altruism scale.

    6. That the Influence scale of teh GII would correlate with the Internal Locus of Control.

    7. That the Providence scale of teh GII would correlate with the Kappin God Control Scales.

  19. Which demographic groups had Means which were so divergent from the norm that administering a GII to a subject from that group (without first developing independent norms for that subgroup) would yield invalid results?

    1. Men

    2. Women

    3. African-Americans

    4. Jews

    5. Catholics

    6. Muslims

    7. Protestants

    8. Persons over age 80

  20. The GII would be the best choice for use in:

    1. Researching God image

    2. In screening and suggesting hypotheses for exploration in casework

    3. Getting deeper insight in counseling

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